Easy Day With Light Snow

We had a quiet day at work today – just one meeting, and the most interesting part of the day was when a teacher would come in having just returned from a vacation somewhere. They would tell us details about their trip and hand out omiyage.

The meeting was not so interesting – they laid out the schedule for the term, and it seems like it’s going to be a very short term. I don’t remember the last two winter terms being so short, but back then I couldn’t understand what was going on at the meetings, so I guess it just blew by me. Now I look at the term and see that I’m only going to have a couple of classes with my first years, and then it’ll be exam time.

Despite it being such a quiet day, the teachers seemed to be hanging around well after lunchtime. I was beginning to think that I’d be stuck at school until five, but around three I saw an opening and snuck out of there.

On the trainride home my train made a sudden stop, and everyone started looking towards the back of the train. I’m not sure what was happening, but even the engineer from the front of the train went running back there. We’re on a local train, so I was worried about the express train that was following us – it isn’t too far behind. After a few minutes we got going again, but I have no idea what happened.

I made up some chirashizushi for dinner and it was hot and ready when Kuniko got home. After dinner we did a bit of shopping at Ito Yokado, and now we’re back at home. While we were walking back from Ito Yokado it started to snow, a light flurry of snowflakes started blowing across the parking lot.

Tomorrow we are planning on a roadtrip to Nara with Inoguchi sensei and his wife. If it is snowing, though, we’ll have to cancel. I’m hoping that the weather will improve, but I just checked the weather forecast for Nara tomorrow and it looks like snow all day. We’ll have to wait and see what happens…

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