There wasn’t much to write about on Sunday – a day at home studying, followed by an evening of sushi and gyoza. Sounds like par for the course.
Today I was back at work with only one class. I spent the first few periods writing lesson plans for later in the week, and I got things pretty cleared up. I passed out the lesson plans to the teachers that belong to, so I should be getting feedback over the next day or so.
My new memorization program has turned out to be great, but it’s a strict memorization master. I threw every word I’ve ever memorized in Japanese into the machine, and it comes up with a plan to review words based on when it thinks I might forget them. Some words I know really well, others have slipped over time.
Every morning I wake up and look at my little computer for the bad news. Today I had 900 words scheduled to review. Yikes! I got through them, but barely. Tomorrow there are bound to be more. I don’t mind all the review, because I definitely need it. I guess it just goes to show how relaxed I was with the other program – I wasn’t pushing myself enough, I think.
Tonight Kuniko came home with a sore throat – her voice is starting to go away. I served up chicken parmesan, and it was a hit. Afterwards, we ran a few errands and got some medicine for her and some kerosene for the heater.
I’m off to bed – I’m afraid to think how many words my computer will have waiting for me tomorrow.