Chock Full

I’ve been busy the last couple of days and I fell behind updating the site. Yesterday was a pretty light day of work, just a couple of classes and some planning sessions. I made a stew for dinner, and I ended up throwing in all kinds of ingredients and making something that was not quite Mexican, and not quite Asian… I guess it turned out OK.

Today I had my busiest day in a long time. I had four classes in a row – and they all were chock full of activities. After school I had a class with three students of Ms. Miyake’s.

My classes at school were fun – I discovered a couple of sound effects that my kids got a kick out of, and I told them not to eat yellow snow on their school trip next week to Hokkaido. I didn’t explain the yellow snow comment – I’ll let them figure it out.

I also had my first class with Kobayashi sensei. She wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, because she is essentially dropping in to a new situation. She did great, though, and I think the students seemed to warm up to her. Afterwards she complimented me on my teaching style, and said that she really enjoyed the class. That was nice feedback to get.

After school I came home and straightened up the house just a bit before my students showed up. We talked for about an hour about all kinds of things, and they did really well. I’m speaking at a more natural speed now, and they are getting used to my English. It was fun to hear about their holidays, and they are all excited about getting ready to graduate.

Finally, since I got some cash from payday and the private lessons, I took Kuniko out to dinner for yakiniku. We had a bowl of bibimba, a mix of different meats, and a big salad. It was so good – it has been a long time since I’ve had bibimba or yakiniku.

I’m off to bed now – tomorrow and the next day I have a conference in Kobe, so that could be interesting or boring – we’ll see which way it pans out.

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