A Bruiser of a Headache

Tuesday I had two classes during the day, and a monster headache to keep me occupied in between. Although I’ve had a cold and a headache the last couple of days, I’ve been avoiding the aspirin, but finally Tuesday afternoon I buckled and took four aspirin. Unfortunately it didn’t even make a dent. Golden Week is from Wednesday to Friday, and usually most places are closed, so Kuniko convinced me to see a doctor in the evening.

When she got home Kuniko drove me to a hospital that was still open, and we talked with a nice doctor who seemed slightly crazy and very nerdy. He was really nice, though, and patient with us. He had me laughing (albeit nervously) and in the end offered to give me an injection in the back of my head to stop the pain. It was tempting, but a little scary. I finally decided to just go with the drugs, so I got a prescription for some painkillers, muscle relaxants, and even some kind of medicine patch to wear on the painful areas.

We got the prescription filled at a nearby pharmacy, and a very serious pharmacist cautioned me about all the medicines. She was completely serious – like the world hung on the balance of my use of these drugs. I think maybe she could have used some of my drugs as well.

After dinner I took the medicine and applied a patch, and things started getting much better. The headache diminished somewhat, and by bedtime it was only a minor irritant. Good advice from Kuniko – I’m glad I went to see the doc.

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