I woke up today with no headache, and I’ve been feeling fine all day today. I’m off the medicine, even though I have lots left. Maybe it’s better to stay away from the painkillers and muscle relaxants for a while. Even though the headache is gone, there is still a little soreness in and around my head. My teeth hurt from clenching.
Kuniko and I went into Akashi this morning. We did something I haven’t done in nearly five years – we went geocaching. We walked around with my old GPS unit inside of Akashi park until we finally found a cache, but in a surprise move the cache only contained a map to another cache. We followed the map carefully, with clues like “count the number of stones on your right as you walk” etc, and then finally found the cache. We had to walk by two lovebirds making out to get there, and they didn’t really like the intrusion.
Kuniko’s opinion of the treasure hunt was “It was fun.” I suppose we’ll do it again sometime. There are not as many around Japan as there are in the U.S., but I think there are some in Kobe to try out, so maybe we’ll do that next.
After treasure hunting we did another search, and stopped by an apartment hunting place to look for a new place to live. We’ll be moving in July, so we have started looking at places. We’re pretty flexible on location, but we really want to be near a train station (preferably the JR line) and also near a big grocery store. With Kuniko’s car Carrefour is not so far away, so we can always stock up on cheese and wine when we need it.
For lunch we ate at Mister Donut. I know what you are thinking – eating donuts for lunch is not a healthy thing, but they actually have some new lunch items on their menu. We had two different noodle dishes, and they both were really good. They came with some dim sum on the side, and we were both impressed. I could have eaten more, though. We did buy some donuts for breakfast tomorrow.
We did a little bit more shopping in the area and then headed home. We made one last stop at IY and then came back here. Kuniko worked on a project to get all our favorite recipes organized into folders, and I worked on flashcards and fooled around on the computer.
Kuniko and I have been lusting over the new Nintendo DS Lite that came out in Japan a while ago. They have been sold out here and are really tough to come by. Yes, I want to play games with it and so does Kuniko, but the clincher came the other day when I found a program that will help you learn how to write Japanese characters. They also have programs to learn foreign languages, including English. The adult market is thriving. We were able to order one through Amazon Japan, so if all goes well we’ll have it within a couple of weeks. I can’t wait to try it out.
Soon Kuniko is headed over with another teacher to pay a visit to a student that needs a little extra attention, and when she gets back we’re having a sushi dish for dinner. Then we’ll catch a DVD that we rented the other day and relax. This long holiday is turning out pretty nice.