Nintendo, Kuniko’s Folks

Friday was a pretty mellow day. We stayed in most of the day doing laundry and playing with our new Nintendo DS lite that arrived. We’ve been doing a brain training software that is kind of fun. It’s a real challenge for Kuniko, but nearly impossible for me since it’s not in my native language. My scores are always really low, and I try to use the language thing as an excuse, but so far, it’s not working.

In the evening we went over to Kuniko’s parents’ house for dinner. Her dad was late getting back, so we went ahead and ate dinner without him. When he did get home he didn’t mind that we ate first, and I think everyone was just happy that he didn’t get in an accident or something. I drink whiskey with him and we talked about all kinds of things. We ate easter chocolates that my aunt and uncle had sent. They really enjoyed those, and were really happy to exchange presents. They’re already thinking of something else to send…

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