School, YMCA, Shin-Osaka

I cranked myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 8:30 a.m., and took a nice leisurely breakfast of miso soup, rice, and pineapple juice. I’m really enjoying this abbreviated summer schedule at school, and since nobody is really around to keep track of me, I just wander in and out at will. This time last year I was stuck in Yashiro, so I couldn’t enjoy the freedom and time off that I get for free.

Once I got to school I worked on kanji practice. I reviewed earlier kanji to make sure that I could still write them. Once I learn a kanji I am very good at recognizing it and reading it, but I have trouble sometimes remembering how to write it. More review!

Kuniko had mentioned that had Tuesday off – kind of a reward for her hard work at her school for the last few days. Together we hatched a plan to spend Tuesday together. My plan was to ask for Tuesday off, and if I ask the right person they would just say “don’t worry about it, just take the day and nobody will notice.”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find that person. Mr. Hayashi is still in Australia, the history teacher was stuck in a seminar, and so I only had a couple of teachers to ask. I ended up settling on Mr. Kimura, but he advised me to take the day off officially. Since I had already asked, that’s what I had to end up doing. I was a little bummed at first, but a day with Kuniko is pretty rare, and it was totally worth it. I wrote a note to the vice-principal telling him that I was taking the time, and I included lots of uncertainty in the note – I’m still hoping that he’ll take pity on me and tear up my request form.

Anyway, I took off around lunch time and went home to relax a bit and study just a bit more. In the evening I went to my Japanese class in Sannomiya, and had an interesting lesson. The students were especially active tonight, so it was a little more fun. I also found some information on continuing the classes after the “free offer” wears off. They are expensive, though, more than $150 a month. I’ll do a little research and look for some cheaper options.

After class I just got on the train going the opposite way, towards Osaka. On the train I met a nice lady that was seriously talkative. She is Japanese but she has been living in Seattle for the last 11 years. Now she’s visiting Japan, but it sounds like she doesn’t like it much. It was nice to talk to her, and she reluctantly let me get off at Kuniko’s stop. Within a few minutes I was knocking on Kuniko’s door.

Making My Brain Earn It’s Keep

I spent most of my day today studying and eating. I had this idea that I’d study all day, but I interspersed my study sessions with some pleasure reading, a walk, some shaved ice, and a nice simple Japanese style dinner.

A highlight of my day was meeting my new neighbor upstairs.

Interesting person. Her name is Jane, and she is from England. She is half Japanese, but speaks no Japanese herself. It’s been a while since I’ve spoken with someone with a thick English accent, stronger than what I was used to from Melanie. She has family that are here to help her move in, a couple of grandparents that don’t speak any English. She must be able to communicate with them, because they seem to be getting along.

We chatted just briefly on the steps. In a couple of days she’ll be off to Yashiro for the concentration camp treatment that I got last year. I didn’t tell her that, though. Best to leave the experience there for her to discover. I gave her a hot tip on the train system, and she’s eager to chat some more and hear what else is around the neighborhood. She asked me an odd question about whether I’m an early riser – but didn’t tie it to any particular reason.

Anyway, she seems nice enough, she’s tiny so she’ll make softer footsteps than Mel did, and I think we’ll be getting along just fine.

For dinner I cooked up a traditional rice and miso soup meal, with a side of kimchee to give it a Korean kick. Excellent!

Now I’m going to do one last review of vocabulary before I go to bed. Tomorrow I’m doing a short day at work, and I’m going to try to get Tuesday off since that will be Kuniko’s first day out of her “prison”, a mandatory live-in at school for the past five days. I’m hoping to go meet her in Osaka after my class in Kobe tomorrow night.

Hiking, Studying, Eating

Saturday morning I got up early – around seven o’clock, and had some granola for breakfast. For some reason I’m getting up early, but gradually I’m sleeping more and more. That’s a good sign.

I talked with my family by phone, and my grandparents are wrapping up their trip to Northern California. It sounds like they had a good visit, and I’m glad that they were able to fly up and spend some time out of the heat and break up their routine.

After breakfast I was eager for some adventure, so despite the heat I put on my hiking gear and walked out of the house looking for some ground to cover. I had earlier considered going to Koya-san, a sacred mountain near Osaka, but the time to get there and back wasn’t in my favor. It would be a rushed trip – instead I’ll try to go when Kuniko is at home – that way I can stay the night in Osaka afterwards and spend more time on the mountain.

My alternative course of action was to catch the JR train to Sone, and hike up to the temple to the west of Takamikura mountain. It was a long hot walk, and the only tricky part of the journey was managing wear to put all the sweat that was pouring off my body. I had brought an old T-shirt to use as a mop rag, and it worked pretty well.

The temple was nicer than I remembered, and I spent time exploring the area, walking through the clouds of smoke from the incense, and reading some of the fortunes that people had left hanging on the walls in the hopes that they would come true. After about 30 minutes of that, I went back along the temple walkway and bought some shaved ice and some rice cakes wrapped in leaves.

On the way home I stopped in for some sushi at my favorite revolving sushi place, and got out of there with a belly full of sushi for 1200 yen (around $12). Once I got home it was a cold shower, and then I spent the afternoon alternating between studying and reading an electronic version of an old Dick Francis novel.

By dinner time I was still full from the sushi, but I had put some meat in a marinade and I needed to cook it. The marinated meat turned out great, and together with the onions and mushrooms over white rice – excellent. I’m going to try to same thing with some chicken breasts next week. I want to try a sweet marinade on the chicken, teriyaki style.

Kuniko called from her school and we chatted for about 20 minutes. She’s going to have a day off on Tuesday, and I’m working to get that day off as well. Not sure what we’re going to do, but I’m probably going to Osaka to see her, since she came to my place last time. She’ll be exhausted from living at school for five straight days, and so we may just rent a movie and relax.

Back To School (For Me)

This morning I went off to work a little later than usual. Yesterday I was ambitious and went off to school early, but I throttled my ambition back a bit and went in around 8:40 in the morning.

School was quiet as usual, but some of the office staff were looking for me. I spent the first hour of my day filling out some forms that they considered high priority stuff, but all it was was an optional change of address form for the JET directory. After that was taken care of I finished off my taxes and mailed them off, and printed some pictures from my trip to show everyone.

The principal and vice-principal called me into the office to talk about more secret work for the prefecture. I had already gotten the information directly from Hasegawa sensei, but I went through the motions with them. One of the days I have to work for the prefecture is a Saturday, so I asked them if I could substitute another day as a holiday, and they said “sure”. I got the impression that if I didn’t ask, they wouldn’t have given it to me. A little piece of information to file away for later.

At around 11:30 I snuck out, ostensibly for lunch, but in reality to go home. Back home I continued cleaning up, had a mind-blowing kimchee and pork sandwich, and worked on household stuff. Before I knew it, it was time to go to Sannomiya for my Japanese class.

It was really nice to get on the train into Kobe and see the city again – I had missed walking through the crowds of urgent people and exchanging looks with curious people. Because I had left early from work I was able to wear comfortable clothes, and my flip-flops that I had bought in Concord are working out great – so comfortable.

At the YMCA my class had only four students in it at first, but after about half an hour, three more came. The class was good, but it’s been a while since I studied. I seem to be good at casual conversations, but when we get to complex grammar points I tend to choke.

After class I caught some dinner at a noodle shop, and then went to the train station to head home. I saw one of my students that had graduated last year in line for the same train. She was standing with a friend, and she recognized me about the same time I recognized her. I smiled and nodded, and she kind of freaked out and talked animatedly with her friend. By my train stop they had figured it all out and both of them waved to me as I got off the train.

I went to bed late, around midnight, with the idea that I’ll sleep in a little bit tomorrow. It’s still hot and humid around here, but I’ve cooled down the bedroom, so it should be pleasant dreams.

Some Shit Hits The Fan

Back to work, man! I woke up refreshed and recharged, and went right out to the train station 15 minutes early. I caught an early train, and went to work with loads of candy and a spring in my step.

The place was almost deserted. There were only two teachers there that looked a little surprised that I was too. As people came in I delivered the omiyage packages, and everyone was so happy to get them! Some teachers that rarely talk to me managed a few words in English, and the principal and vice-principal were both amused and happy.

Mr. Komuri and I had a good reunion, and we joked around for a long time. He suddenly got all serious, and then asked me if I knew what had happened. Turns out two big events happened while I was gone.

The first, and most serious thing that happened, was some guy in Kakogawa flipped out and killed seven people with a knife. The guy was seriously wack-o, and they only caught him because he crashed his car trying to escape from a police car that was going somewhere else. My quiet neighborhood had now become to murder capital of Japan.

The second thing was that they finally published the story on Melanie, my erstwhile neighbor upstairs. Since it’s in the newspaper, everyone now knows that she was busted for accepting a package that contained marijuana. It was on the television news, and in the major papers all across Japan. Since I can’t read Japanese I can only relate what I’ve heard from some other people, but it sounds like she will stay in Japan and face charges, and that she could face anywhere from two to six years in prison. I’m doing some research to find out what’s going on with her case.

Mr. Komuri and I talked about that for quite a while. He said half-jokingly that he was worried that I might be involved, and cautioned me to be careful. I assured him that I would – I’d like to extend my stay in Japan, but I don’t want to live in a jail to do it.

Myself, Mr. Komuri, the history teacher, and Mr. Kimura all went over to the Chinese restaurant for some lunch, and then I went home. Not a long day, but tomorrow I don’t really need to go in so early.

Back home I finished unpacking, did some housecleaning, and then went shopping for a few things to restock my fridge. While at Carrefour I bumped into two French guys, and I put in a request for vintage port. They both gave me a blank look and said that they would look into it. I couldn’t tell if they understood what vintage port was, so I explained it carefully. They doubtfully said that they would try to get it in stock. Not to perpetuate stereotypes, but the French don’t seem to do customer service so well.

Good news – they had some new beers in the beer section, and one of them is Celebrator. I haven’t had this in a long time, so I’ve got it chilling in the fridge. It’s even got the little plastic goat on it!

The guy that checked me out did the whole thing in heavily accented English. I could tell he was really enjoying the chance to use it, so it was nice to help out. He did a great job – I was surprised that he works as a clerk in a supermarket!

Now I’m back at home thinking about dinner. I bought some roasted port at Carrefour, and some inari. I have lots of dinner options, I’ll just have to see what sounds good.

Japan Again

Since I couldn’t sleep much last night I was up early already. I surfed the internet, did some stretches, took a long shower, and went across the street to a convenience store for some breakfast.

They had a free shuttle to the airport, so I caught that with a Japanese family, and enjoyed the ability to eavesdrop on a little bit of their conversation. After being around Korean people, it was a joy to be able to figure out just a bit of what people were saying.

The airport was slammed. I put my luggage on a big cart and trucked it in there, and joined the lineup for my airline. While in line the lady behind me didn’t pay attention and ran into the back of my sandalled foot. Ouch! I gave her a big smile and she just smiled back – there’s not a lot to say when you can’t speak each other’s language.

In the gift shop I picked up some metal chopsticks for Kuniko, and then I boarded my flight. I sat next to a Korean guy who watched a bootleg DVD of The Chronicles of Riddick the whole time. The flight was pretty short – just 90 minutes, so I was still fresh and happy when I arrived in Osaka.

I ran through the lines at immigration without a problem, and chatted with the customs guy for a little bit. He decided not to search me, and so I took my bags out the door and Kuniko was right there. After a big hug we both walked over to see Yuri, who Kuniko drove to the airport for her flight to America. We caught up and had lunch at a Chinese place on the third floor.

We sent Yuri on her way, and then we made the long drive back to my hometown. It was nice to have the ride – I’d hate to deal with all the heavy luggage on the train. Some of those stations don’t have elevators!

Back at my place I gave Kuniko the presents that she had received from my mom and Nancy and Lynn. She was so happy to get lots of cool stuff! It was like Christmas in August.

Kuniko was around for dinner, so since my fridge was empty we decided to go to the yakitori. I brought a bottle of wine that my mom had given me to give to the master for omiyage. He was thrilled! We asked me all kinds of questions, and with Kuniko there we were able to figure out everything.

To drink Kuniko had ordered ramune, and I ordered the same thing. It was amazing! The bottle is sealed only with a marble. The master pushed the marble into the bottle, and then we could pour our own soda. The marble just rolls around in there. It was so cool – on the second round the master let me try to open one – it was fizzy and messy, but it worked. I had never seen anything like that before. Another first!

After dinner Kuniko had to go home, so I spent an hour or so making up my omiyage for the teachers at school, and then I went to bed. Right when I went to bed a typhoon blew in, so I opened the window and let the cool air blow in and listened to the pounding rain outside. I felt bad that Kuniko was out in storm taking a train home – but I sent her a message and she was just fine. The good news was that I slept great – I guess the jet lag is over!

Korea Landfall

I’m in Korea! The flight went well enough, but I definitely an developing some saddle sores from sitting on an airplane seat that long. Once again I got an exit row, so that helped a lot with the leg room.

I sat next to a young American guy in the army stationed in Korea. He was thrilled to sit next to someone that spoke English, so we talked for a long time. He seemed nice enough, and he slept for a few hours which gave me a conversation break. Sitting next to him I got to see how he acted and treated people around him that didn’t understand his language. There was a definitely an attitude there – maybe it’s because he’s military, but I found myself once again feeling guilty by association.

As we got off the plane we passed through a walkway made out of glass, and on the horizon you could see the sun starting to set over some mountains in the distance. I still get the shivers when I’m getting off the plane in a foreign country – there’s a sense of anticipation… you know it’s going to be a lot of strange things happening, and everything will be different from what you’re used to. I love that.

Korean customs was a breeze – I just walked right out, and went out to see the crowds of people standing in front of the arrivals waiting. When I had reserved the hotel room in Korea they asked me to type in my flight number and arrival time, so I was harboring some kind of transportation fantasy in which they have a sign with my name on it, and then they whisk me off to my waiting bed. Unfortunately, no such luck – I went outside in the heat and tracked down a taxi.

As soon as the taxi driver put my heavy suitcases into his trunk and sat me inside, he started arguing with some other taxi guy. They gestured at me a couple of times, and pushed each other. Nobody threw a punch, but they were just one word away from it. It’s one of those classic travel moments that you never see on the American Express commercials. I’ve got 100 pounds of luggage locked in the trunk, so all I can do is sit around until they finish. Finally, a third guy came out of the crowd, took the keys from the driver, and drove me himself. Weird – I had no way to ask him what happened.

He dropped me off at the hotel, about ten minutes from the airport. The hotel was nice! I had gotten a deluxe room because it was only $5 more than the regular room, and what a nice setup it was.

The manager came up with me to show me how everything worked. The whole room was controlled by a single remote control. They had a giant TV, VCR/DVD, a networked computer, a huge bathroom with separate shower and bathtub, heated floors, air conditioning, and even free porn!

After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I headed out into the town to scare up some grub and look around. Walking the streets of this town was different than walking around Japan – you don’t feel quite as safe. It’s not that it felt dangerous, maybe just that it felt unpredictable. Hard to explain.

I went to a restaurant that looked promising and pointed at something on the menu since I couldn’t read anything. The waiter, wearing a bicycle helmet, took my order and then collected some food to go and ran outside to get on his moped. The food showed up a few minutes later, and it was delicious. It was cold noodles with a spicy sauce, a hard boiled egg, and lots of vegetables. I mixed up the whole thing and it was great!

After dinner I went back to the hotel to try to get some sleep, but it wasn’t in the cards. I slept for about two hours, and spent the rest of the night sitting there in wishing I could sleep. I guess that’s what jet lag will do to you. What a day.

A Day At The Beach

Today my grandparents were off to church in the morning, and then on to meet up with Vicki for a brunch. My folks and I saw it as a great opportunity to spend some time together out on the coast.

We drove up to the Armstrong Redwoods to look around there. It was the first time that I had been there, and it was pretty nice. I had forgotten how massive the largest redwoods actually are.

We walked around for a little while in the redwoods, and then got back in the car and headed into Guerneville. There was some kind of triathalon going on there – lots of cars were driving up and down the street. We kept on going through town and out to Bodega Bay, looking for a good place to eat. My parent’s recommended a snack bar right on Bodega Bay, so we had fish and chips there.

After lunch we drove back to Goat Rock State Beach and spent about an hour watching the sea lions, walking the beach, and looking for treasures among the rocks and shells on the seashore. It was good therapy!

For dinner tonight it was Italian food – pizza (from Mary’s!) and homemade spaghetti. We also had some garlic bread and some salad with homemade blue cheese dressing – delicious!

Now I’m wrapping things up here by finishing with packing and collecting my belongings that have seemed to spread all over the house. Tomorrow morning we’ll drive to San Francisco and then I’ll fly on to Seoul for the night. I’ll write more once I settle in at home!

Vicki At Francine’s

Today I slept in a little bit and then headed over to the storage place in Sonoma to drop off some of my stuff there. My dad had rented a storage place there to accommodate my stuff and also my brother’s stuff, and hopefully they’ll have enough room afterwards to stash some of their stuff there for the remodel.

After that we came back and my aunt Vicki came by to pick up me and my grandparents. We went over to Francine’s place to have a lunch and sit and chat. It was nice to sit out on Francine’s patio, eat some wonderful food that Vicki had prepared, and just relax. My brother came by later, as well. My grandfather tucked a couple of napkins in his hat to protect his ears, and I teased him about looking like Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia.

Around 4 o’clock my dad called and Mark and I drove over to the Jack London bookstore to load some heavy objects into the pickup truck. Matt Atkinson, Josh Atkinson, and one of his friends were all there surrounding a big organ. We loaded the organ into the car, making lots of bad jokes along the way.

There was also a refrigerator to load up – once we got that all in we delivered the fridge to Matt’s place, and the organ to Josh’s place.

Now I’m back here at my folk’s place after eating a hot roast beef sandwich. I did a little packing today, and hopefully my luggage isn’t too heavy for the airline on Monday. I’ve got a lot of stuff in there!

Petco Park, O.B., Party At The Birch Residence

Today was a day were I could finally relax. I slept in just a little longer than normal, and then we got our act together and went into downtown.

Our first stop was the new Petco Park in downtown San Diego. It’s where the San Diego Padres play – the place is really nice. The area where it was built was pretty shady before, now it’s a thriving area. There are tons of condos being built around there, and now it’s more upscale. They had a park that we could walk through and see the field.

The best part about the park was that they had incorporated an old building into the design of the new park. It gave it a rustic look and was really nicely done.

After the park we drove around San Diego a little, generally heading towards Ocean Beach. Once we got there we went right to Hodad’s for a burger. I went nuts and ordered a double bacon cheeseburger. That sucker was huge! It was impossible to eat all at once, I had to nibble on the top, then nibble on the bottom.

With a stomach full of food we walked out to the beach and relaxed there for a while. The water temperature was nice and warm, and there were plenty of surfers out there. The only downer was all the seaweed coming in on the tide. Other than that, it was perfect.

After an hour or so, we drove back home, and got ready for the party.

Nancy and Lynn were nice enough to invite a bunch of folks over so that I could say hello to them.

The party was great – lots of people came over and we had finger food to snack on while we caught up. Some folks I didn’t expect were there, and it was nice to talk them. Rachel and her son Ethan were there, Alan and Debbie, Dan and Gayle, and Kathy and Grett. Jessica Grant came by before the main event to say hello before she went to the Padre’s game. She brought a few friends – one works at a sushi restaurant and even said “Irasshaimase” for me… cool!

We stayed up late eating and drinking, and I even broke out the Japanese candies and we divided those up among us to snack on. It was a great time!

Fun With Storage

The big goal for today was to go through my storage unit here in San Diego and remove as much as I could. The best case scenario was having the unit with only things I want to donate, and to make a long story short, we accomplished that goal. I couldn’t believe how much crap I had in there. There were lots of things that brought back memories, and it was a little sad to leave so much behind.

Lynn came along to help me and we were able to load my parent’s minivan – it is a full vehicle. I had to make some tough choices on some furniture, but I haven’t needed this stuff in the last year, and I am really planning on living in Japan for the long term, so it made a lot more sense just to leave it to be donated. Still, it was a bit sad.

We got back from loading the van around 2 o’clock, and I took Lynn out to lunch at Rubio’s to thank him for all his help. With only 12 boxes left to move in storage Nancy drove me over there later and I was able to completely clear the unit of stuff that I didn’t want to donate. I do have a lot of boxes that I need to go through once I get to Glen Ellen. Some of that stuff would be nice to have, and some could be tossed.

For dinner we decided to go to Lido’s pizza, and I really enjoyed chowing down on the pizza there. The waitress was quirky – it was her third day of waitressing ever, and she forgot a few things and acted a little strangely sometimes. Still, overall she did a good job and the meal was excellent.

I went to bed early after that – another exhausting day!

On Highway 5 Again

I hit the road early in the morning – around 5:30. I had borrowed an adapter from my parents to run my MP3 player through the tape player, so I had 14 hours worth of battery power and 3100 songs. It worked really well with the mini-van’s stereo system, and I could really rock out on the drive down.

The drive is a long one, 8 hours or so. I used to drive all this route all the time, but it hasn’t been a while and it was fun to check things out and see how things have changed.

I reached the top of the valley by 7 a.m., and I was over the grapevine and in L.A. by noon. Around 2:30 I pulled into Carlsbad, and I did a walk by my old employer, They appear to be still in business, but it was fun to walk by anonymously after how that little job adventure turned out.

Eager to hit the beach, I stopped in at Torrey Pines and walked down to the water. The temperature of the water was warm and comfortable, and I spent about 20 minutes walking on the shore. Feet all sandy, I headed back to the car and into town.

My next stop was Barnes and Noble in Grossmont center. I worked there during the time I was waiting to see if my JET program application would go through. I bumped into a few people that remembered me, and I even got a chance to talk to Pat, the manager there. She offered me a job, but I had to decline – that would have seriously put a damper on my vacation.

I dropped some things off at my grandparent’s house, and then I went over to Nancy and Lynn’s place. It was great to see them again! They both looked great – we caught up over tequila, beer, and wine, and had some awesome smoked ribs. We stayed up late chatting and listening to music, and then we went to bed. I was exhausted after so much driving around.

Long Time No See

I slept in fairly late today, but everyone was up and around by late morning, and we got started prepping for the big fiesta today. While we were setting up outside we noticed that there were a lot of wasps flying around.

My dad put some new bait into some traps, and soon the wasps were buzzing all over the place trying to get it. By late afternoon, I think we had the whole swarm stuck inside two wasp traps trying to get out.

Despite the presence of the wasps, the party went great. I got to see lots of people that I haven’t seen in a long time. We hung out in the back and stayed in the shade to avoid the heat. I bounced around trying to talk to everyone and show my pictures from Japan – people were really into seeing Kuniko, and seeing where I am from and what I do every day.

The open house format was great – I could see lots of people in a short amount of time. I especially enjoyed chatting with Maria, a lady that lives across the street. She had some interesting perspectives on Asian marriage that I was interested to hear.

Rico and his family made it, and had a surprise for us – Sheri is pregnant! They’re 19 weeks along and really excited. Victor and Lisa brought Alexander along, so he got some good socializing time with lots of new people. He was a great kid – really well-behaved. He looked a little overwhelmed by everything going on around him!

Other highlights included Luisa in biker gear, Betty Jane, Katie, and Tyler making a visit – it had been so long since I had seen them!

We stayed out having fun until late, and then started cleaning up. There was lots of food and dessert left over, so we’ll be working on those for a while. We finished cleaning up around eleven o’clock, and then we sat around joking and laughing. I had a late-night burger and some carrot cake – I had been so busy I forgot to eat!

Sacramento, Picking Up The Grandparents

My folks and I made the hour and a half drive to Sacramento to pick up my grandparents today. It was interesting to visit the airport without actually taking a flight – I still get those traveling nervous excitement jitters when I go to an airport… even Sacramento airport.

They arrived right on time and came off the plane excited and happy to be here. They don’t often travel on the plane – for the longest time we would relay them back and forth between San Diego and Glen Ellen by car.

The drive back was a little traumatic – my grandmother’s travel sickness kicked in, so we took a long slow drive back. Once she got some time to rest up she did just fine.

We snacked big time on chips, salsa, and cheese, and then had a big dinner. I cooked up yakisoba, and we also put some veggies on the BBQ – giant portabello mushrooms, onions, and peppers – wow! I had forgotten how good portabello mushrooms are.

After dinner I passed around samples of two of my favorite beverages in Japan, yogurt-flavored Qoo, and Calpis. They both got good reviews from our panel of judges. Maybe I can send some back now and then.

Tomorrow is the big party, so we’ll be preparing in the day and then partying through the night!

Costco Run, Sushinoma, Murphy’s, Solid State Radio

Banzai took the day off of work today so that we could beat the crowds and get into Costco to do some shopping for the big fiesta on Sunday. As it turned out, the crowds were still there – lots of them. We walked up and down the aisles and stocked up. I didn’t find anything I needed except for contact solution. Everything else was no big deal or I could get it at my local Costco in Amagasaki.

After Costco we walked through Trader Joe’s (or TJ’s, as my mom calls it) and bought some more stuff. I found some salmon jerky for the history teacher – he’ll get a kick out of that.

My dad and I decided to meet up with Mark at the sushi restaurant in Sonoma, called Sushinoma. I thought it was cool when I saw the kanji for the name of the restaurant (寿司の間) – it basically translates into “sushi-time”. It’s a clever name in English and Japanese.

We had a combination sashimi platter, and my dad had his first experience with raw fish. The quality of the sashimi and sushi was quite good – very little difference between the sushi I get when I buy it in Japan. We had some hand rolls, so nigiri sushi, and some makizushi as well – delicious.

After dinner we headed to Murphy’s and had a beer there. It was pretty lively, and before long Victor and Rico showed up. We sat around and chatted and enjoyed the atmosphere and nice cool weather. I was loving it. My brother and dad took off soon after, but Rico and Victor and I stayed through a few more beers to relax and catch up.

During the evening we ran into one of my father’s old students, Nate Pouch, who was pretty sloshed. He told us all about his experiences in Amsterdam while eating our appetizers and shouting obscenities across the crowd. It was a lot of fun – really!

At 10 p.m. or so we drove over to the radio station to watch my brother’s radio show. It was cool to be in the studio with the mood lighting and have the whole place to ourselves. Mark did a great show and told us all about how it worked. I’ve gotten a little more appreciation into what goes into a show when I’m listening in Japan.

Around 11 o’clock we left the station to head our separate ways. Mark was probably glad to get rid of us. We’re all going to meet up again during the party on Sunday. Tomorrow my grandparents fly in from San Diego, so we’re heading into Sacramento to meet them at the airport. It’ll be great to see them again!