With the start of a new term I thought I would review the previous term's courses, as well as assess my own performance.
Being my first foray into the lively forum that is modern post-graduate academia, I was expecting a certain amount of challenge, and I was presented with several. One challenge was whittling down the huge amount of readings available and digesting them in a timely manner, and another involved producing output in the form of papers and essays.
LIN 5000 (The Nature of Language) was a very satisfying course that provided a good survey of language in general, which is no small task. The readings were very helpful and the textbook was well organized and informative. The assignments that I was responsible for during the term were fairly large scale, and if I was able to do it all again I might get started a little earlier on them. In the end I think I did fairly well in the class, after a sub-par performance with my first assignment.
LIN 8001 (Second Language Learning) was a much more challenging course, and I think that taking these two at the same time might have been a little too much to handle for a first term. I would have liked to have taken this course after completely finishing LIN 5000 - the format and style of the assignments would be much more familiar. Also topics addressed in LIN 5000 seemed to come up fairly often. I did rather poorly on the first assignment, partially because of the time constraints that I inflicting upon myself, and partially because I was writing this assignment almost concurrently with the LIN 5000 class assignment. The second assignment was even more ambitious, and although I feel like I improved a bit, the results were much the same. Unfortunately I don't have access to comments because it was a take home test situation. So the end result was a pass (60% or so) in this course, but now I feel like I am better equipped to take on the next two courses.
Being my first foray into the lively forum that is modern post-graduate academia, I was expecting a certain amount of challenge, and I was presented with several. One challenge was whittling down the huge amount of readings available and digesting them in a timely manner, and another involved producing output in the form of papers and essays.
LIN 5000 (The Nature of Language) was a very satisfying course that provided a good survey of language in general, which is no small task. The readings were very helpful and the textbook was well organized and informative. The assignments that I was responsible for during the term were fairly large scale, and if I was able to do it all again I might get started a little earlier on them. In the end I think I did fairly well in the class, after a sub-par performance with my first assignment.
LIN 8001 (Second Language Learning) was a much more challenging course, and I think that taking these two at the same time might have been a little too much to handle for a first term. I would have liked to have taken this course after completely finishing LIN 5000 - the format and style of the assignments would be much more familiar. Also topics addressed in LIN 5000 seemed to come up fairly often. I did rather poorly on the first assignment, partially because of the time constraints that I inflicting upon myself, and partially because I was writing this assignment almost concurrently with the LIN 5000 class assignment. The second assignment was even more ambitious, and although I feel like I improved a bit, the results were much the same. Unfortunately I don't have access to comments because it was a take home test situation. So the end result was a pass (60% or so) in this course, but now I feel like I am better equipped to take on the next two courses.

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